Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Week 8 #18 - Social Networking

I think social networking is one of the most powerful things to come out of this internet age. The popularity of sites like MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, LiveJournal, etc. is staggering. I've seen first hand how these online communities can create important contacts that lead to jobs and life-changing friendships. However, I've also seen people be too open on these sites and get themselves into trouble, including a co-worker who, five or six years ago, lost her job over posts to her LiveJournal account.

As for what's out there, I've found that Facebook seems to have worked the best at generating large friends lists, quickly. Less than two weeks after getting a Facebook account, I had already heard from over a dozen high school friends that I'd lost touch with over a decade ago. I also like LiveJournal because it tends to promote longer posts that help me feel like I'm still "in the loop" with friends that I've not lived near to in years and years. Also, LiveJournal is great for finding new people with similar interests. Finally, I like Twitter, but in small doses. I don't Twitter, but my friends do, and at first I was overwhelmed by the minutia one encounters from following too closely. Now, I just drop in from time to time, scan their Tweets and get a sense of what their up to without obsessivley following every update.

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