Friday, October 24, 2008

Week 6 #13 - Tags and

I've been using for a few years, but perhaps not as much as I should. I used it first when I lost all my links at a previous job (disaster!). It's a great tool--very convenient because it's accessible everywhere, and the tag feature is great. I like exploring other people's tags, and this often leads to many lost hours exploring the net (but never at work, of course!).

What I really need to do is transfer some links that I have on my home computer from my library school days to my account, so that I can use them to help customers find information.

1 comment:

Tomball David said...

I am glad someone likes Coming from the technical side, I did not see much use for it. One reason I would not use it is that I am not comfortable sharing that much information with the world.