Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Searching #78: Video

1) I searched for video of the Zidane headbutt against Materazzi in the 2006 World Cup final. Truveo results seemed to be more focused on actual video of the event, while blinkx pulled up a lot of silly animated videos.

2) We could start by adding content, I suppose. I'm not sure of what, though. Perhaps highlighting a program or available resources.

Searching #77: Images

1) I don't know how many clicks as this site is not working today 2/24/10 5:27 PM.

2) I'm not sure flickr is such a great resource unless you are looking for pictures of people's beach holidays and house parties, but I liked the categories feature in freedigitalphotos and thought the photo quality quite good.

3) I run the book club so this could be useful clipart:


Searching #76: Sound Effects

1) Here are my three animals: tiger ; chicken ; dog .

2) Here are three from "Simply the Best Sounds": horse ; lemur ; loon .

Searching #75: Google and Beyond

1) I tend to use Google; however, I chose Bing once when I searched "A.R. Ammons" and Yahoo twice when I searched "Texas CHIP" and "Team Canada Hockey". I have been trying to use Bing since it came out in order to become familiar with it, but it might be worth going back and playing around with Yahoo again (it used to be my search tool of choice pre-Google).

2) According to Hitwise, the bulk of usage volume went to Google (70.95%), then Yahoo (14.72%), and then Bing in third (9.65%). Based on my experiment above, these numbers don't match my choice, but they do mostly go along with my day-to-day usage.

3) Exploring the search features in Yahoo, I like the SearchScan which is similar to what Google has, but I really thought the search pad was interesting: It's like having a place to take electronic notes that go beyond just search history because you can save them for later use, print them out or even e-mail search notes and links to friends or co-workers.